Helpful tips for saving money and energy

There are many ways to save money in your home that will cost nothing

Use small hobs for small pots

Place your cooking pots on the same size hob to reduce unnecessary energy waste.

Turn off appliances as soon as you're finished

Make sure to turn off you cooker/oven as soon as your finished cooking.

Replace rubber seal around doors

Replace damaged rubber seals around the doors of your fridge & freezer.

Use low temp/eco programmes

Try to use low temperature programmes or Eco mode on your dishwasher and washing machine.

Check energy labels

When you are purchasing new appliances, check the Energy Label. Where possible, aim to buy appliances that are ‘A’ rated.

Try out an electric blanket

You may be surprised to know that electric blankets cost you less than boiling the kettle for a hot water bottle.

Use energy efficient lightbulbs

LED lightbulbs use significantly less energy than regular bulbs. Select the lowest wattage bulb needed to light the room/area.

Switch off

Try not to leave lights on unnecessarily. Turn off lights when you are leaving the room or when they are not needed.

Run cycles during off-peak hours

Get the most out of cheaper nighttime tariffs – run your appliances during off peak times, usually from 11pm – 8am

Try out a home energy saving kit

Home Energy Saving Kits are free and available at your local library. With one of these kits you can conduct a mini energy audit of your home!

Don't overfill the kettle

Only use the amount of water you need. The kettle uses up a lot of energy, costing you lots of money.

Get a boiler service done annually

Getting a service done regularly may save you a lot of money down the line. You can have peace of mind that it is working as safely and efficiently as possible, potentially lowering your bills significantly.